Harbor View South | Baltimore, Marlyand

bedsUp to 3 bedrooms

bathsUp to 2.5 baths

costUp to 3,200 square feet

sqftPricing coming soon

211 Harborview Drive
Baltimore, MD

Located on the south side of HarborView a 40 acre community, HarborView South, with its distinctive, state-of-the-art, high-rise condominium towers wrapped with multilevel townhomes. However, what makes this community so highly anticipated is its outdoor space. HarborView South will include an open-air market, spectacularly designed park, and a stunning outdoor waterfront amphitheater for entertainment. Also, not to be missed, will be the “town center on the waterfront”, comprised of retail shops and additional restaurants conveniently located adjacent to over 750 residences.

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